Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Highlights from a family dinner

Here are some highlights from a pre-fasting, pre-Yom Kippur dinner. My grandfather who will be 94 this October steals the show. Not sure if he knows how funny he is.

Complaining about the Challah

Garlic i' good

Obama is an asshole?

My brother farts, my grandfather comments

My mother hates salt?

Monday, September 28, 2009

Forest City and Boogie Boarder at Union Pool

In keeping with the friendly theme of this young blog, I've decided to post some tracks from some friends' bands recent live show together. The first is Forest City, a rollickingly fun country band with more balls than a Spalding factory. You can say the same about the second band, Boogie Boarder, 'cept replace country with some sort of demented adjective that reminds you of spazzing out the second before a nervous breakdown.

Forest City - Smoke that Bummin' Weed

Boogie Boarder - Song title unknown but hey, it's a staple

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Washington Square Park 9/26/09

For those of you who can't bear to be without hearing beloved New York, here are some sounds from a fairer park.

Approaching some jazz players

Some street performers

Man talking about chess

Man talking about chess again

Irate chess player

Two little music groups

When life gives you lemons